Wednesday, July 28, 2010

AMSTERDAM: The façade of creativity

Oozing off the boredom in the form of vague shopping malls and corporate-franchised culture is not the true or creative showcase of any cosmopolitan or cultural city.
Today Europe is underneath a wave of change while preserving heritage with new creative ideas to augment the economy and compete in this globalize urban era.

As far as I travelled Europe,I found a new manoeuvring taking place between the member states and cities. Gone are the days after post and cold wars when the secret plots and conspiracies are discussed and planned to compete and win in broader socio-economic basis. Those old formulas and tricks badly lost their battles and now there’s new wave of change in more integrated form which is far more emulative then any revolution happened before.

This new reincarnation is happening in the mix-up of “Creativity and Culture” allying with the term “Creative Class” is not a bad idea. Here, I want to express my views and experiences on Amsterdam which I feel that it deserves to be the best creative city in Europe, let’s have a look…

It is the diverse class that will mould any country or region to great economic power and growth through new ideas, high-tech industry and regional growth with innovative ideas in regarding the perspective of socio-economy & culture.

They can be scientists and engineers, university professors, poets and architects, actors, journalists. It also includes people in design, education, arts, music and entertainment and their function is to create new ideas, new technology or creative content.
Their ideology is also different from traditional agriculture or industrial based ones. They are on the rise from past few decades as nations shifting their focus or policies for more research & development, technologies and internet based initiatives.
Other more fascinating factor of this class is that they are independent in their approach towards work. No 9-5 standards, no business suits and ties and no formal environment.
Above all they value the importance of “independency” in their lifestyles.
From San Diego, Silicon Valley to IT hub of Bangalore. From London, Paris or Milan to Madrid and Amsterdam Fashion weeks, there are numerous examples where this creative flow giving tough competition and highlighting the regions globally.
Hereby I’m pointing out my experiences in Amsterdam, first of all according to Dutch lifestyle and creativity.
Amsterdam: I roamed and lived in many cities of Europe; and found this Dutch capital is very unique. The vibes of openness, freedom, self expression and flexibility is widely seen here in the form of welcoming new modes and ideas and valuing the heritage and arts simultaneously.
Amsterdam is a global village. Working and living is very well managed and convenient too. Life is fast as everything is so close, if we talk about the transport system and the global setup of businesses.

Thanks to its central position. Amsterdam Metropolitan region is very important here, the huge setup is not based in this small capital but other nearby regions as well like Utrecht and Rotterdam. Everything’s now just a stone’s throw away.
Creativity and business is the main mantra of Dutch culture from centuries. The nurturing of creative ideas, concepts and products is widely seen here in the setup of internationally acclaimed centre of entertainment in the form of Advertising agencies, dance, music and computer games.

The Dutch way of doing business is characterized by its ability to build bridges between different cultural identities. Amsterdam with its 174 different nationalities that approach becomes a way of life. The composition and attitude of the locals is proof of multilingual,multicultural and tolerant approach.
For me I always felt that I’m moving with the flow if we talk about the lifestyle and attitude here. Adding another beneficial factor here is openness in the society, welcoming new guests in the form of immigrants. Equality for bohemians and gays are showing the factor of tolerance.

The other alluring factor of this widely seen setup is “youth culture” which is thoroughly preserved in this city in the form of style, fashion and design. One of the most fascinating aspects is Music, I’ve no idea how many people know about the number of well renowned DJs setup and the breakthrough of the newbie’s based in this city. To name a few like DJ Tiesto, Armin van Buuren now are the gods of trance/ electro music and it’s amazing to find out the entertaining masses in well packed stadiums and concert halls.
They are not binding the world over but attracting a lot with their creativity not the audiences but young global tourists as well.
Dutch architecture is world famous and because they equally care about the natural surroundings with built environment,numerous canals are one of the sustainable examples here.

Above all one of the most praiseworthy initiatives is by the government or council of the city. They input a lot in terms of money, giving platforms, chances for new ideas,creative inputs and promoting youth movement or giving chance to creative young people to come together in one place to encourage the creative passion. Also giving funky edge to the city. “The Red light fashion” is one the concrete example, making space for young fashion designers and promoting art and design in former brothels isn’t this a creative idea?

But this initiative will never ever be succeeded if we ignore the 3Ts, which comprises of Technology, Talent and Tolerance. Dutch society is more open, knowledgeable & has a unique way of thinking. Besides this it’s not close enough to satisfy or chance giving step for Dutch citizens but also welcoming the fellow Europeans.It’s not the greed or same old dream to live in but giving a chance to “Openness” to new people, new ideas and new dreams.

As far as creative people are concerned or if we take the example of artists they do want to share or involve with society, business and world as well. Here the cooperation between the artists and corporate world is essential and if we combine the art with business it makes the value of art. One of the most admirable reason what I found more interesting is by the government giving chances or encouragement to “Possibility” and bending down the notions of “Impossibility”

Above all there are many great cities in Europe but they shouldn't stand still in this era of creative and competitive globalization. They should move in the direction of a knowledge-oriented society. Most cities have to do something to draw attention to them and make their particular assets visible in the international arena. Without creativity nothing’s going to change and Amsterdam is doing it very well.

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