Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bonjour Paris

If you want to see multiethnicity then visit Paris. Significant Arab, southern European, Africans, North American, and Asian populations make this city one of the most diverse in the world.

My first time in Paris was for 4 days tour. We ran in and out of the metro. It was a very wonderful experience for me and whatever I heard about the beauty, the romance and the charm, walking on the road saying bye to my friends in the late evening, I was very anxious to sniff and feel whatever I heard. I want to capture the beauty in my newly bought gadget so as I did here too.

The first surprising factor was to see a lot of immigrants from many countries living there, a lot if I compare Amsterdam, where I’d been many times. The second factor was the beauty of architecture from traditional to modern mix-up. This city has preserved a lot in it.

Roaming around this beautiful city I was so hypnotize that in the end I forget my way to the hotel. At last I was succeeding with half-n-half efforts of mine and locals and I was in front gate just before the last time check-in.

On the very next day our group had gathered together and after few new joining with our university professors as our new guides we followed them. One of the first things we decided to do was to visit the Musée d'Orsay. Admittedly I’m not the avid art lover, but it changed my perception and I fell in love with arts.

I'm a big fan of Realism & Romanticism. It was so excited to visit Musee de Orsay during my very first visit. Here you can feel very different emotions, from The Swing painted by Renoir, to Nymphéas (waterlilies) by Monet, and the Church of Auvers sur Oise by Vincent Van Gogh.

The Train station structure itself is as beautiful as the artwork it holds. So much light with a wonderful glass dome ceiling. I was lost somewhere in beautiful paintings and what I really had experienced and I would advise others that you will need almost the entire day to take in this amazing museum.

Our next move was towards Notre Dame. While walking along the beautiful River Seine in pretty sunny afternoon, we reached there. Notre Dame is well known to many, and I've always been impressed by the architecture of the building. It feels immensely peaceful to sit inside the cathedral and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the cathedral. The stained glass windows and with music,I was feeling that I’m in the Zen.

While experiencing the beauty of River Seine, we're moving towards Centre Pompidou. It is an essential stop on any Paris trip. And the building is a work of art too. The exterior of the building is amazing. If you appreciate modern art, this is the museum for you.

But there's still more to see and after eating our lunch and shuffling from one metro to another metro stops we reached La Défense. This is the city's large business district. The skyscrapers & the modern architecture makes you feel very different when you traveled from art and museums surroundings.

Our next trip was Musee Rodin. It's an historic mansion where Auguste Rodin resided & worked. Outside you will find the French sculptor's The Gates of Hell, Balzac & the Thinker & the Kiss. Beautifully crafted by the artist and every sculptor was telling his own story.

Rodin’s work is truly impressive. Some of the sculptures are kept inside a mansion on the grounds and some are kept outside in the rose gardens. It is very peaceful inside and beautiful. The gardens are lovely. Rodin's sculptures just needed the life, it has the expressive faces, and the postures are having a life like feelings and details.

Well,that was our last sightseeing point and last day of our excursion. After experiencing this city in these 4 days, what I feel is that we need more time to explore more. Not as tourist but as among one of the Parisians to experience the daily life and feelings.

Another great thing about Paris is all of the concert venues. You have to love a country where the arts are nationally sponsored. It's my personal suggestion to spend more time above the city on rental bikes and less time in the metros.

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