Tuesday, July 27, 2010

German Romance in Vinotheks

Rich in antioxidants, the drink of romance & seduction from ages, enjoying wine is the new trend among youngsters these days in this beer governed country.

Hamburg: Jerome, 26, says he loves to pamper his girlfriend with a bottle of crisp wine – what he calls the “official beverage for romance”. At other times, after a long day at work, he often opens a bottle over dinner to sit back and unwind. “Wine is meant to be enjoyed with great food, friends, and family – at the end of a long day it helps you unwind,” Jerome, a marketing executive, comments. For many youngsters like Jerome, wine is fast turning into their drink of preference over whisky or beer in Germany.

“I used to drink whisky earlier – but not any more. Wine is my drink now – I guess that’s also because I go for business lunches and dinners, where others around me drink wine,” he said. The youth ward movement of the German wine market is evident, says an expert. Verner Harm, the owner of one of the vinothek from Franken region in Germany said he had observed that more and more youngsters are visiting. “I’m running this business from last 35 years but in the last five years, we have seen a vast change and more youngsters in their 20’s are coming”.

“Drinking wine has a lot to do with the culture and upbringing. Youth is attracted to wine because it is fashionable and a smart thing to pursue,” he added.

“Pursuing wine is all about fine taste and refined choices. These days a lot of women are fascinated by the growing wine culture. Instead of a mere fashion statement; women are learning the intricacies of wine tasting.”

Rachel, an intern from North Carolina in the US, said: “Youngsters have more disposable income – this has led to a drastic change in the lifestyle of the youth.”

“The luxury market has expended dramatically worldwide in last 7 years and the consumption of wine has increased and the major credit goes to youth,” she said. She also added that now “It’s not on the tables of old and riches that live in the vintage era”. “Today youth are conscious of their image in society and wine is more acceptable.”

“The youth is interested in wine and enjoys buying wine for special occasions. They read the labels extensively and have more knowledge in selection and tastes. Beer of course is the number one drink in consumption if we talk about Germany itself which is famous worldwide but wine too, is giving tough competition to it in the market. It’s a celebration drink and classy,” Harm said.

25-year-old Andrea, a logistics professional comments “I enjoy drinking wine with my girlfriends because it’s classy and chic and they all love it. Wine looks more sophisticated, plus it feels feminine and empowering”.

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