Thursday, July 29, 2010

A World without Islam

Comments on GRAHAM E.FULLER's A World without Islam article:

Fuller does a good job in trying to figure out how history would have been shaped? After a few pages of interesting and thought-provocative read, he comes up with a conclusion: the world would have witnessed, more or less, the same conflicts that are present this day. Middle Easterners, whether Muslims or not, would have resisted the crusades and the invasions by the Western civilization.

He gave plenty of examples of how many conflicts this day could have occurred, and might have even been worse even if Islam was not present describing how most major tragedies were not caused by Muslims.

Besides this I’m also thinking about the World Wars and if we talk about the crime and violence globally "Islam" isn't the real cause behind any big issue in domestic and global side. Take the example of suicides cases globally.

It's the policies which matters a lot and above all knowing the other side before making any stereotype notion and provoking it in society. A broad thinking and flexibility is what we needs which is the real "Education" what I feels.

I want to give here the extra ordinary examples of the people who dare to save many lives in dangerous situations whether in wars or recent trauma of terrorism. Last year's terror attacks in Mumbai, India where all the terrorists are Islamic and killed hundreds of people were saved by people who're also Muslims.

Other example is of the two hoteliers, I met in Hamburg in Germany jointly running their hotel have Jewish and Islamic backgrounds. If they can live peacefully there then why several ones with their different descents are fighting in Gaza? If we see the whole scenario with one "hatred" eye which is very narrow and biased on stereotype notions then the conflict will go deep, instead of getting any solution.

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