Thursday, October 21, 2010

Football Fever

Bayern Munich playing against Indian 11 in January 2012 in New Delhi, India.
In the thick of all games football always rules and as a ruling sport it has created a sense of trend and fashion among society and the followers.

The "It" factor to chic talks and effects are undeniably seen as form of fashion. Rarely; we see the followers or "fans" of any club, country or any specific player, as that of football. The charisma spread by the football players is beyond described. We must give the credit to the players of this sport for creating world-wide mania for it.

Globally, TV commercials also target the iconic players for their advertisements. David Beckham the hottest footballer makes his fans crazy with his new looks and hairstyles. From tattoos to merchandising to endorsements all have flooded the markets. From Pepsi to Adidas and Reebok commercials featuring top international footballers have been a grand success and always fetch the specified market reach. People/fans go bananas on the football season; from merchandising to team jerseys, caps bags and shoes flood the markets and of course the sports outlets.

The popularity as ratings of their individual aura is not playing wholly in real grounds but in virtual space too. On line gaming companies also get the footballers in animated versions. There are various gaming companies who rely on top 5 as their first faces amongst the popular launch of yearly versions. EA Sports FIFA's genre is the most popular one. They also invade the mobile grounds in the form of mobile phone themes, videos, wall papers etc. Football academies started by ex and top football players also draw a lot of young and vibrant football aspirants. David Beckham's own academy is the true example here.

In the recent past, this game earned fans in Asian countries. Organizers of FIFA 2002 World Cup, Japan and South Korea are the super horses in Asia. At last, the effect is not going to end here, the waves created by this sport is going to bring a ripple effect now. The world is already smitten by the football fever.

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