Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amsterdam- The other name of creativity

Amsterdam is home to a growing number of creative and knowledge workers, members of the so-called "creative class." And the city is doing much to enhance the economy through creative ideas.

Now, this city is not very famous worldwide as other European Cosmo cities but so much of reincarnation is taking place here. This is the city in Europe which is very different in approach to other big cites in the whole continent. A rare mix of culture, tradition and urbanism with a mix of diverse immigrants.

But before moving further we've to know about the word "Creative Class" and how it's linked with city? Huh... Everybody's creative but let's see...

Creative Class: It is the diverse class that will mould any country to great economic power and growth through new ideas, high-tech industry and regional growth with innovative ideas in regarding the perspective of socio-economy & culture. They can be scientists and engineers, university professors, poets and architects. It also includes people in design, education, arts, music and entertainment and their function is to create new ideas, new technology or creative content.

Creativity is becoming more valued in today’s global society and the role of diversity says a lot here. Amsterdam is the city crowded with multi-ethnic diversity. Almost half of the city's residents weren't born in the Netherlands. Its past colonial people from Surinam and Indonesia are now mixed with the guest workers of the Morocco, Turkey and Egypt.

Amsterdam is considered a model for the integrating power of an open, liberal society. Signs of this are the liberalization of marijuana consumption, sex, the annual gay parade along the canals and the liberal immigration policy.

You can find squatters in every city of the world. So here too, during the 1960s, the squatters emerged in Amsterdam. At first they squats abandoned buildings along the canals in the city center. Then they took over the warehouses and industrial buildings in the north of the main train station.

But now these warehouses have become the point of attraction. Inside these rusty and old fashioned buildings the crowd of industrial designers, drama groups, sculptors and illustrators are at work. Roughly 100 studios serve as work spaces for about 200 artists here. MTV recently moved onto the premises of the former dockyard. It is now part of the so-called Media Wharf, a location for major project development firms.

But besides all this one major attraction lies in the heart of this city which is undoubted,very famous, "Red light District." Now please don't say lie if you have been there. The major attraction used to be the brothels. But now where they flee from the windows? Where have they all gone? I was feeling so curious and quite amazed to look at the designs and crafts which were displayed there.

It was a bit of disappointment for me,but on the other hand I was also admiring the creative aspect of the initiative. Now these brothels become the showcase windows as a platform for the young, talented designers. It also shows how the city of Amsterdam is giving a respect for creativity and new creative ideas.

Fashion is the most important part of any cosmopolitan city, so as here in Amsterdam too.It is an important economic pillar for the Netherlands. Now it is the home of various head offices of G-star, Mexx, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger and Reebok. Now it's a very good opportunity for designers to co-associate with multi retail powerhouses, show cast their designs in various fashion shows. Amsterdam fashion week is a very good example in organizing the event and promoting city in the landscape as Cosmo region. And it also matters a lot because of media's big impact in and around Amsterdam i.e. the PR offices, Model agencies and magazines.

Once it was a part of the real attraction and now it adds on with more creative
phenomenon. This project gained an enormous worldwide publicity for Amsterdam,the talented fashion designers and the fashion industry in Amsterdam as a whole.
Housing Corporation Ymere and its partner Droog are the new owners of the houses that will be used for the project and are situated around the Old Church in Amsterdam.

Now this project in Red Light District is very fresh and it's on early stage. It also shows how this city which is famous for its own diverse and interesting culture provided an opportunity & cooperation for creative class, which is very unique.

Above all in my perspective we live in a creative world. Every city is trying to be creative. But what makes a city creative? Very easy: “only people can be creative”, so to be creative, a city needs creative citizens. Everyone has inherent creative skills, but only very few know how to exploit them. Is it the same with cities? The creative citizens are already there, but cities just don’t know how to develop an environment that supports creativity. So, creativity is the key to every aspect where there is human involvement.

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